Sorry for the lack of posting. Did you notice? I was giving myself a little break from the computer, and when you do that, well, all hell breaks loose.
I could blame it on the Red Sox sweeping the White Sox in grand style. I mean really, if we can’t win 30-3 in one game, we could have four 10+ games in a row. I’m okay with that, really I am. If you’re looking for more in-depth analysis, of course, I defer to my resident expert over at Red Sox Soul. I’m just a back seat driver when it comes to this stuff.
School starts this week, and I think we’re more nervous and excited about it than Junior is. He’s moving to the LEAP program at the newly re-designed Southeast Math and Science Elementary school. We’re bummed about leaving JA and all his best friends there, but I think this is going to be an amazing year for him. One way or another.