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2008 Goals

I got an email yesterday from Chris Baty, the guy who created NaNoWriMo about this thing he does every year where you are supposed to commit to doing something you’ve never done/have always wanted to do but were too nervous, busy, whatever, to do it. You’re supposed to list one or more of these things and then spend the next year trying to accomplish one or more of them. Some people change careers, some learn a new skill or language, some take up a hobby they’ve always wanted, or just take a class. Most of the things at this level take lots of thought and effort to accomplish, which is why it’s important to actually commit to doing it. I was thinking about what I would put on my formal list. I had a few vague ideas, but as usual, I’m too wishy washy to commit to anything that looks too hard to do.

I did start thinking about things I have wanted to do that I would actually consider fun, and I have decided that I’m going to try to figure out how to do some kind of podcast, possibly a video podcast. The theme would be “being me” so the podcast would involve bits of my beyond boring life. Hey everyone! Come watch me do laundry! and that kind of thing. Maybe. Or maybe just an audio podcast. Still thinking it through, and trying to figure out how people do them.

I also want to submit a photo (or more) to some kind of photography contest. And maybe even submit something to the Bolton Fair this year, which I’ve wanted to do for a couple of years. The key to that is that it has to be printed, matted and framed, so that will be the part that requires effort.

Still thinking about all of it. I’d say I’d leave my life behind and move to Hawaii to live on the beach, but I’ll save that for another year.
