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What Not To Do

I have decided to pass along some wise words of wisdom [modesty!] to all of you today. You can thank me later, by showering me with Nerds and other appropriate offerings. (The good offerings would be the ones that fit on the front of a Canon XTi, you know, to clarify.)

Let’s just say you’re me. Or someone like me. Or you, but you live in this area and drive to someplace south on 495. IF you leave the house and realize you have forgotten to put on deodorant, but then decide you can stop at Bolton Orchards because they sell some grocery items, be prepared to be offered one and only one type of deodorant. Oh, and it’s an icky roll-on, so if you put it on under your clothes, you can sit and worry that it will never dry and will put some sort of wet stains on your shirt. And then you can realize that it cost six dollars instead of the $2 you normally pay for your own brand when it’s on sale. And then you can be horrified to realize that your armpits smell like those gigantic lilies they put in flower arrangements that give me migraines. That’s right, I smell like an allergy-inducing floral arrangment today.

When I go to the baseball game tonight, bees are going to attack me for sure. It was nice knowing you.

Posted in photos

Ants in the Corner

Ants in the Corner, originally uploaded by Big DumpTruck.

The ants arrived in the mail yesterday. Mr. Dump received them, and the first thing he saw when he opened the package was the following warning:
The harvester ant can inflict a painful sting that normally causes local swelling and itching. If you are stung apply ice to the area until the pain subsides. If symptoms persist see your physician. Persons who are allergic to stinging insects should be especially careful as they may need emergency medical attention in the event of an allergic reaction.

Oh my God. Killer ants are in my house. Did you ever see the movie Phase IV? That’s what I’m picturing. Mr. Dump IS allergic to bee stings, so I’m pretty sure he was ever so happy to have received this package today. My fear is that knowing how clumsy Junior is, this container is going to hit the floor, smash open, and the ants will fly onto our faces. Or something like that. I can tell you, if something did happen (the lid seems REALLY secure) I wouldn’t be trying to wrangle them back into the container. Can you say “Look out! It’s a shoe!” little ant people?

When I have more time, I’ll have to see if I can get a close up of one of them for you. They look pretty fierce. They were completely creeping me out last night because They hadn’t started tunneling yet, so they were freaking out trying to climb the sides and there’s something unsettling with a bunch of ants walking around on top of something as opposed to ants making tunnels and stuff. That is definitely less creepy to me.

Posted in humor

Our Lady of Chlorine

Our Lady of Chlorine, originally uploaded by Big DumpTruck.

I had to stop by and see my friend Peg today, and we made arrangements to meet up at Hampton Beach. I of course took at least a couple of photos. This is one that I like just because I’m sort of stunned by how close the Church is to the water slides. As in practically touching. Maybe parents bribe their kids to go to Mass in the summer?

Feel free to check out the whole set on Flickr.
