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Do Not Be Confused

It’s “Shark” week, not “Shart” week. I had to make this my Facebook status because it is important that people understand why my pants are all stained and stinky. I totally got the week wrong. Shart week is NEXT month. Duh. I do this every year.

Thank God for this box of baby wipes. Let’s hope the bag of prunes works its way out of my system sometime soon so I can get back to the serious business of running my worldwide tying-licorice-laces-into-bows empire.

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The Horse I Wanted

Went horseback riding with my sister, her kids, their friend and my son. I knew they were going to have to give me a horse to fit my riding experience, so I picked this one. The kids all thought he was awesome. Unfortunately, they wouldn’t let me have this one. Instead I got something akin to a Clydesdale. I’m pretty sure Domino could have easily plowed the back 40. He knew he had an easy mark on his back and went out of his way to eat everything he saw. “Don’t let him eat anything!” Oh, easy for you to say. Domino disagrees with you!

The Horse I Wanted, originally uploaded by Big DumpTruck.
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Brain Teaser For You

I am a lazy fart. I’m okay with that. So it’s July 22nd, but my watch says it’s the 21st, because June only has 30 days, and my watch has 31 numbers. So on July 1st I was supposed to move the date ahead a day. Except I didn’t. And I haven’t yet. It’s easier to look at it and add a day – at least, that’s what I keep telling myself.

So I got to thinking: if I never adjusted the date manually again, how long will it take for my watch to show the correct date again. And bonus question, how long would it stay correct? You may answer in the comments. Oh, and I haven’t actually figured out the right answer yet because that involves math and what the hell do you people expect from me, anyway?

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One Word at a Time

I have been lax in my writing. I will blame this on something external to myself, as usual. Today, I will blame being lax on a lack of high quality snack foods in my home. I will blame the lack of high quality snack foods on the fact that I detest grocery shopping and haven’t gone in a while. I will blame the lack of grocery shopping on getting paid only once a month. I will blame getting paid once a month on my employer. So the fact that I haven’t been writing is clearly the fault of The Man.

Based on a phone call I had with [Nameless Person] I am going to try to do better. I know that I can claim to be a “professional” author because of the thyroid-specific articles I have written for But what happened to my excitement over the “new” book project that had me out registering domain names in the middle of the night? Lost that energy. So I was rethinking that book and I think I can tweak my approach slightly and still make it work. So I’m going to promise myself and everyone that I will have at least 500 words written by the end of the day Friday. And a minimum of another thousand by the end of the weekend. Of course, by writing that I will find 50 other things that just NEED to get done.

I have to wash my bedspread, for instance. It is covered with dog nose prints. I do not want to sleep with something that smells like a dog. (He probably doesn’t want it to smell like a human, but I have opposable thumbs so I win.) I don’t think it will fit in my washing machine, so I’ll have to actually leave the house to get this thing cleaned. Do you know how much work it’s going to be to get my ass to a laundromat? People, please! I’m only human.

Okay, off to find more coffee. These words aren’t just going to write themselves.
