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Others Do It Better Than I Do

I was going to attempt to give you guys a link a day for the December Advent season, as my gift to you. But I forgot to do it Monday and Tuesday and now it seems late.

So I will pass along one of the cooler links I’ve run into recently. It’s a Hubble Telescope Advent calendar. Man oh man, space photos blow me away, ever time. I snipped the url for you, but it points to

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What Amazon Thought I wanted to buy

On the left are two photos I took with my iPhone and uploaded via the new iPhone Amazon App. Apparently a human looks at the photos of things you see that you might want to buy and tries to match the photo so something amazon sells. The items on the right are the things they felt best matched my photos.

What Amazon Thought I wanted to buy, originally uploaded byBig DumpTruck.

So it’s a fascinating application and use of human slaves at Amazon, but really, does my USB snowman really look that much like a cat?

No, I don’t think so. I looked myself in Amazon for the first item (I happen to know the manufacturer, which is cheating, yet) and found of of the various styles they sold:

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So Who Amongst You Shall Buy Me One of These?

I’ll let you all get together and make the decision as a group. I wouldn’t want to receive multiple copies. So I added one to my amazon wish list so that if someone does buy it the rest of you will know because it won’t be listed there any more.

I told Mr. Dump that I was going to try to be good this year and not buy any Dept. 56 houses (which I suspect he thought was a nice try on my part, but did not believe me). And then, I was searching for one of the houses on Google and unfortunately clicked a link to a site that showed me this:

[Click the link to see a larger picture of the item in all its glory!] As you can see, there is no way I will be able to live a long and happy life without this house. I’m almost depressed because I don’t have it yet, and I’ve known about it since this morning!

I’ll let you all go meet now, so you can decide who will get to buy it. Don’t worry, I won’t peek. Oh, and if you get one for yourself, because you are a fan of the Big DumpTruck, do let us know, okay?

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Me and the Big Meanie

Big Meanie is making me clean the house. Get rid of the clutter. Can you believe what a big meanie he is? Why, can’t you see I need all this stuff? Sure, that box of photos could be stored somewhere other than the living room, but what if I have an emergency need to look at myself wearing a wedding dress? You know? And at some point we may actually need all these candles. Sure, maybe not all at once, but you never know. We could have a need to simulate the set of Harry Potter. In fact, we would not even have enough candles to do that. I’d better go to the store.

Okay, maybe he’s not being a total Big Meanie. If I don’t clean up in here, there will be no room for the Christmas tree. That would be a most horrible horrible thing. Okay, so I should probably go finish my chores so that I’ll be allowed to fill the empty spaces with other things.
