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Five Days of “Me” Time

I have a few days away from work. I don’t know if I’ll be able to figure out what to do with myself. I would lie to you all and say I’m going to enjoy some Jody-time but you know that’s not true. I have a lot of things that I’ve needed to catch up on, including processing video from Junior’s two concerts, continuing cleaning my room (One Bag at a Time(r)).

I think maybe I should take up a new hobby in my five days. I could learn a new language, or maybe learn the hula. I’d rather be in Hawaii for that one though, and five days isn’t enough to deal with the jet lag. I’ll try to become a new me in the next five days. I’ll be sure to introduce myself when I get back.

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Five Days of "Me" Time

I have a few days away from work. I don’t know if I’ll be able to figure out what to do with myself. I would lie to you all and say I’m going to enjoy some Jody-time but you know that’s not true. I have a lot of things that I’ve needed to catch up on, including processing video from Junior’s two concerts, continuing cleaning my room (One Bag at a Time(r)).

I think maybe I should take up a new hobby in my five days. I could learn a new language, or maybe learn the hula. I’d rather be in Hawaii for that one though, and five days isn’t enough to deal with the jet lag. I’ll try to become a new me in the next five days. I’ll be sure to introduce myself when I get back.

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Open Letter Time

Dear Bolton Post Office,
What the heck is the deal? I stopped by to buy stamps on my way to work this morning. You see, I work all day, so if I need stamps I have to buy them on off hours. I decided to stop at your location because, hey, Post Office! They sell stamps! I know my local post-office which is completely inconvenient to me (On-street parking? Are you serious?) has a stamp machine. That’s all I needed. I even had ones and quarters in my pocket. I was ready.
But you don’t have a stamp machine. You have a bunch of P.O. Boxes and a slot for mailing letters. And a window that isn’t open hours when I am driving by on my way to and from work.
You stink. So I still don’t have stamps and now a bill I have to mail is late. I hope you are happy.


Late Postscript: I wandered around the office trying to find a stamp and a wonderful awesome co-worker told me she had just bought stamps this morning at the Bolton Post Office. She waited until they were open. You know where their stamp machine is? Inside the locked area (near the window). What the hell is the point of that?

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Oh, That Would Be My Luck

You know, this is why I don’t go skydiving. You can ask anyone, my sister, my husband…whenever we do something, I’m the one who gets the screwy equipment, or has the weird things happen. So if we all went skydiving, I would be the one with the dead instructor strapped to me.

I feel horrible for both people – especially the poor guy who died at 49(!) but really, that is just the kind of thing that keeps me from jumping out of a plane. Well, that and the fact that I would crap my pants if I had to jump out of a perfectly good plane.

In other airplane news, I finally got around to watching the National Geographic Channel special on Air Force One, and I now officially want to be President of the United States cause I really want to travel on that plane. It is sweeeeeeeeet! And the food looks pretty good too. Sure, there would be the pesky “leader of the free world” job responsibility crap, but it’s got beds! And a nice office for me! And they would give me a jacket with my name embroidered on it!

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You Know What This Week Needs?

It needs some snow. I don’t think there is enough out there. I am looking at the frozen blocks of snow still stuck to my driveway, and I think “there has to be a way to make them more annoying than they already are. What is the best way to go about that? And then I remembered how annoying it is to try to remove snow when there are still strips of ice in the driveway (because most of my driveway is in the shade most of the year). Snow! Snow would be perfect. I just wish there was a way for me to get some snow…


Tonight? Into tomorrow?

Now we’re talkin!
