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Merchandise To Be For Sale

I had a huge brainstorm today. I was trying to write tweets that would make it onto this new website and I came up with one that I loved so much I thought it would look really good on things for sale. So I put it up on the website as a tagline, threw a copyright line down on the bottom of the page, and now I’ll get to work designing the product. I think This is going to be the title of the book I’m writing. So consider this my claim. Timestamped (checks watch, 4:53pm) today, May 21st.

Because you are all fans of my fabulous unwritten book, I hope you will buy all the swag that I will have for sale shortly.

In the meantime, don’t tell anyone about my new fabulous title in case someone writes faster than I do.

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My friend Pia used to get candy sent to her from her family in Norway. And if I was a good girl, she would share it with me. I grew to love one candy in particular, Nidar Laban Seigmenn. These are little people-shaped gummy candies, the best gummy candy I’ve ever had. They rule. And they aren’t readily available in the U.S.

So when we were at Disney last month I found them. FOUND THEM! in Norway, of course. I bought 4 packages, which wasn’t nearly enough but I didn’t have my pack mule with me, so 4 was enough.

Yesterday we finished bag 3. I have one left. One measly bag. I have to find a supplier, stat. Damn you, Norway, and your delicious but hard to find candy!!!!

[Edit: Wow, iPhone spellcheck really made a good one. No, I’ve never had gummy candida. Yeesh. Let me just fix that.]

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The Shoe Thing

I have an issue with my currently available shoe selection. I put on navy blue pants this morning and came to the awful conclusion that I own no shoes to wear with navy blue pants.

Someone has to fix that situation. I assume that someone is me. Unless one of you is a shoe designer looking for someone to beta test a new design. Wait, do designers beta test things? It can’t be called that, right? I’m such a geek.

I also need a pair of tan sandals for work. I have some but they are too casual. Need something a tad fancier, and yet, way comfy. I think I could be trying to find something that meets those requirements until I retire.

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Thanks, Dom DeLuise

Our family loved Dom DeLuise. I remember watching Dom’s movies with my family when I was young – especially the Burt and Dom movies. We loved watching Dom crack up in the outtakes. I remember when Mr. Dump and I spent a weekend in Manchester, Vermont, and the desk clerk at our hotel told us that a local pizza place was “Dom DeLuise’s favorite”. Guess where I HAD to eat dinner that night? A little dive place we never would have found. I can’t tell you if I liked the food or not, but I was just happy to be able to say that I ate dinner at his favorite place, whether it was actually true or not (he apparently had a home in Dorset, 6 miles or so from Manchester so he must have had at least ONE favorite place in the area).

I was looking at his filmography today, and realized I’ve seen the majority of the stuff he’s done, including Charlie Horse Music Pizza, the show Shari Lewis was doing when she passed in 1999. He’s acted in some of my favorite movies. Ignoring the biggies, I’m a big fan of Johnny Dangerously and Wholly Moses. I just love his work.

So thanks, Mr. DeLuise, for making me laugh for, well, my whole life. You made the world a funnier place.
