Posted in photos

Preparing the field

Preparing the field, originally uploaded by Big DumpTruck.

I told you we had good seats! Actually, when we got the tickets we assumed we were in the 6th and 7th rows. However, when we got there we realized the rows started with C, not A, so we were in the 4th and 5th rows.

So that was two Sundays in a row we went to Spinners games. What the heck am I going to do *this* Sunday, now that it’s a habit?

In non-baseball chatter, anyone doing anything fun for the 4th? We’re going to just roll out of bed late, fire up the laptops and the grill, and relax. I suppose if I were really awesome like Chuck ( I would have planned a day out taking photos, complete with maps, GPS and a field guide to small bugs and flowers. Maybe I’ll just take more photos of my feet, as they are creepily very popular and got a lot of people into my photo stream. (My foot picture is actually of gumballs, with the feet used as a reference for the size of the container.) If I’m going to do that, I’m going to have to put a new coat or two of nail polish on my toes. Too bad I don’t own white and blue, I could make little flags!

Posted in photos

Red Sox Win The World Series

I am moving some of my archived photos over to Flickr, if they are good enough to live there. This one, taken the day after the Sox won the World Series in 2004, is one of my favorite photos ever, combining my great love of Walt Disney World and the Red Sox.

We watched the game(s) from our hotel room at the Beach Club Resort. The day after the win, we went to the Magic Kingdom, because as they say in the commercials, “I’m going to Disney World!” My eyes COMPLETELY teared up when we saw the entire length of Main Street, both sides, lined with Red Sox balloons. I could not have been prouder at that moment.

Oh, so anyway, Flickr has this thing called “Explore” that everyone wants to get into because typically only the best photos are in Explore. This photo was added, then dropped, and added and dropped again this week. If you look at the little picture over on the right that links to my flickr photos, it currently says 1 photo in Explore. If it says 2, that’s a good thing. If you happen to have a moment, could you click on this photo to look at it in detail on the flickr site? You don’t have to comment on it if you don’t have a flickr account, but it would be really cool if I could get this one back into Explore.

Posted in photos

white on white

white on white, originally uploaded by Big DumpTruck.

I got to be a chaperone today! We went to Sturbridge Village today with all the third graders from Junior’s school…that was five busses worth. I only had Junior and his best bud to watch over, so the three of us basically did whatever we wanted to do. THAT is a great school trip…I felt like I had basically just taken the two of them out to do fun stuff for the day. Plus, as a bonus, I got to ride on the bus there and back!

Here’s a photo I took today. I’m getting so much better at this photography stuff, if I do say so myself. Maybe someday I’ll get some of this printed and my home can be filled with original artwork. Or something like that.

Posted in photos

Ants in the Corner

Ants in the Corner, originally uploaded by Big DumpTruck.

The ants arrived in the mail yesterday. Mr. Dump received them, and the first thing he saw when he opened the package was the following warning:
The harvester ant can inflict a painful sting that normally causes local swelling and itching. If you are stung apply ice to the area until the pain subsides. If symptoms persist see your physician. Persons who are allergic to stinging insects should be especially careful as they may need emergency medical attention in the event of an allergic reaction.

Oh my God. Killer ants are in my house. Did you ever see the movie Phase IV? That’s what I’m picturing. Mr. Dump IS allergic to bee stings, so I’m pretty sure he was ever so happy to have received this package today. My fear is that knowing how clumsy Junior is, this container is going to hit the floor, smash open, and the ants will fly onto our faces. Or something like that. I can tell you, if something did happen (the lid seems REALLY secure) I wouldn’t be trying to wrangle them back into the container. Can you say “Look out! It’s a shoe!” little ant people?

When I have more time, I’ll have to see if I can get a close up of one of them for you. They look pretty fierce. They were completely creeping me out last night because They hadn’t started tunneling yet, so they were freaking out trying to climb the sides and there’s something unsettling with a bunch of ants walking around on top of something as opposed to ants making tunnels and stuff. That is definitely less creepy to me.
