Posted in humor

“lost parent” typo on CNN

This was a story about a parrot that was able to provide the authorities it’s name and address. Keen eyes at missed the typo shown here.

I like the twist on the lost parent, because that’s a trick used to keep a lost kid calm. You don’t say the kid is lost, you say the parent is lost.

Posted in humor, video

My New Ringtone

[*Updated to fix the broken links*]

I rule. I now have the Mr. Deity theme song as my ringtone, just like Mr. Deity does (except when he has Elton John’s “The Bitch is Back”).

“Who is Mr. Deity?” you ask?

Mr. Deity may be the greatest thing since sliced bread. If you really want a behind the scenes look at what it’s like to be The Deity and to create the heavens and earth and whether or not we’re really supposed to take Sundays off, you should hike over to the Mr. Deity site and either watch the copies there or download the podcast to take it with you wherever you go on your video-enabled iPod.

I’m still floored that something this good is available for free.

Posted in humor, video

Mortified: Angst Written

Ask anyone who wrote a journal (or letters) when they were a pre-teen or a teenager and they will tell you it was deep and meaningful and captured the deep and important moments of one’s life. Okay, so fast forward and read some of those journal entries and cringe, baby. Wait, you didn’t write one? Well you have to go share the love at Mortified: Angst Written.

This site is a multi-media journal karaoke for the ages. Real people (some celebs, some not) read from their original journals. The real words. The real feelings. It is as funny as you might imagine.

I doubled over with laughter watching this month’s featured video. Real Live Actors perform a script written back when the author was 15. Kevin McDonald’s part made me weep with laughter (I love his work, but the lines he was given were the real star here.)

So that’s my fun link for the weekend. And don’t even tell me that it doesn’t make you want to go look for your old notebooks and journals!

Posted in humor, lists, writing

Today’s Book Titles

Here is today’s list. You can’t have the first one, that one is mine.

The Adventures of Keychain and Neil
40 Ways to Prepare Cold Cereal
The Rat in the Hat
Helmet Hair: Spending Too Much Time Playing Halo
Even More Ways to Prepare Cold Cereal

p.s. I think I successfully removed the snippet of code that was automatically adding links to key words in the blog to Amazon products. Some of the links were too odd. So from now on, if there’s a link to an Amazon Product in an entry, I added it there myself.

Posted in humor

No Hot Water

Hellish morning! First I don’t want to wake up but the stupid birds (I hate them with a white hot fire that consumes my soul) are back. I guess I need to figure out how to borrow a shotgun again. Oh, and then? No hot water.

And after all that, I go down stairs and the entire first floor is missing. I have no idea if the dog buried it in the back yard or what.

I hate April Fool’s Day.

