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Cities, Here We Come

Junior plays in the City Championship for Little League Baseball tonight. I think it would be REALLY cool if they won. I mean, who doesn’t go into these things hoping for a win. I’ve never been on a team that won a championship. Thinking back to my Lassie League days, I was on the team that got stuck with all the strays. There was one girl who quite literally could not figure out how to swing the bat. What’s weird is that I can totally see the faces of some of these girls in my head, and we’re talking about not seeing them for 30+ years. Just as long as you don’t ask me their names, we’ll be good, I think.

Thanks to everyone who donated to Junior’s Jimmy Fund fundraising efforts, whether in person or on the Jimmy Fund website. You people rock, seriously. North Leominster Little League had 4 teams playing in the tournament (at various levels) at raised a total of $15,000. I think that’s very cool. I should not be hitting you up for anything here in the foreseeable future. Wait, no, I think I’ll start accepting pastry donations. Please, help support the, uh, American Pastry Association, with your kind contributions of pie, cake, danish, brownies and cookies. The APA is a fine and worthy cause, and, um, fresh, homemade pastry (or one of those big danish rings from the Dutch Kitchen) is greatly appreciated. Remember our motto – The APA: Fill Our Your Piehole!


0 thoughts on “Cities, Here We Come

  1. Congratulations to Junior, win or lose! I’ve been playing ball for 44 years and have never yet been on a championship team…

    (Some might think this to be a reflection on my own talent, but I know better 🙂 )

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