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My New Favorite Candy

I’m kind of a freak. I’m over forty and I love Nerds candy. Basically crunchy sugar nuggets, they make me happy. The other day we were in Rite Aid and found a bag of candy that I had to buy just on principle.

Nerds Bumpy Jelly Beans

And I loved them. LOVED THEM. But because I fear they’re going to be limited to Easter season, I’m about to take out a small loan to buy all the bags they have on the shelf and store them in a secret location in my house. (That’s because both boys love them almost as much as I do. We’re all doomed.)

Has anyone else tried these? Do they make you as happy as they make me??

I had another thing I wanted to review, food-wise, but I can’t remember what it was. I don’t know if that means I did not think it was good enough to remember to tell you about it or not. Did I hate it? Who knows.

I’ve been busy learning how to play Halo 3. I stink at it. Okay, I don’t stink, I’m just not very good at all. Last night my approach was to hide in a corner and hope that someone walked by me. Now I hear this is a perfectly valid approach, but I’m trying to picture a game where all the players are just hiding in corners. I’m guessing not very much would happen. That’s okay with me, because as I may or may not have mentioned before, I hate having people jump out at me. I never liked playing hide and seek as a kid. People can say what they will about video games making kids do violent acts, but my playing Halo does not in any way impact whether or not I want to play hide and seek. Which I don’t. People who would blame this game on a violent act are way off base – anyone with a normal psyche is not going to run out and buy assault weapons and plastic armor, okay?


2 thoughts on “My New Favorite Candy

  1. I love sugar free jelly beans. They are only available at CVS @ Nelson St as far as I know. They are 40% less calories and have a mild side effect that I’ll let you discover on your own. All I know us ‘ol f@rts need it.
    They are available year round.

    My other soft spot is for “black and whites” from Entemenns.
    Demoulas has local brand that is not as good but cheap. Trick is to spslit it in half and share it with someone to cut the calories. I used to love their crumb cake but that is off the list now adays. Down 110lbs so far and reached my goal.

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