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She’s Done

Man, this was a hard year for me. I really strongly disliked my novel, and I did not have the heart to just sort of start into a new novel halfway through. Although to get me through the final burst of words I needed today to get past the 50k mark I decided to make one of my main characters a prostitute that nobody knew was a prostitute (including me prior to today) and I was able to zoom up and over the 50k mark. Okay, bummer that it’s over, because this is really the only month of the year that I get anything written, but I am kind of glad to have some of my time free to do other things without feeling guilty that I’m not writing.

In conclusion, I actually think I might pick up my 2006 Nano novel and start editing it and maybe work on an ending. I think of all the Nanonovels I’ve written, that’s the only one that has any kind of potential because it actually has a plot.


4 thoughts on “She’s Done

  1. congratulations, I can hear sighs of relief all over the blogoshere today.

    I was thinking while I was washing up, about your Interview with Still Life department. I was wondering what happened to the apple they chose to be in the middle of “Apple Records” all those years ago.

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