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Happy Birthday, America!

I didn’t get you a present. I got you a card but I couldn’t find it this morning. I asked my son to make one for you because everyone loves a card made by a child but he started drawing robots and Pokemon and eventually it looked nothing like a birthday card with all the eraser shavings.

So I don’t have a card or a present or cake, because I threw out all the cake mixes a couple of weeks ago. Did you know they have a date stamped on the bottom and when they hit about 2 years past the date on the bottom of the box you are really probably not supposed to make them. I think it has something to do with not wanting to get sick and die from eating elderly cake mix. Or something.

In your honor, I did wash out the inside of my rubbish barrel today. Oh, and I put more windshield washer fluid in the car. As you can see, it’s been a very busy morning for me. Happy birthday, I hope you have as awesome a day as I’m having!

P.S. I don’t really like having your birthday on a Saturday. Can we try to avoid this in the future? Thanks.


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