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I’m starting to post more photos to my photography website, All photos on that site are actually for sale! You can order prints of anything on the site. If I see that I’m selling anything, maybe I’ll pay for the upgrade at SmugMug so that I can actually make money off each sale.

This is a picture I took on the way to work this week. I’ve been driving up to Merrimack NH every day, and I take back roads through Lunenburg MA. I spotted this barn on Monday and knew I had to take my camera with me.


0 thoughts on “AHT FOR SALE!

  1. I'll figure out the street and let you know. It's very close to one of the farm stands that is right off of rt 13.

    The prices are listed on / smugmug. It's sort of like buying from except I can do ever so slightly more branding. And if I paid them $150 (!) a year I could make $$ off anything I sell. But right now, with what I have on the site, it's not really worth the $150.

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