Posted in coolness, Real Life, Shopping

Sports Bottle Winner

As we all continue to embrace the world of reusable water bottles and travel mugs, I wanted to take a few moments to share my continued wonder and amazement at the Corkcicle line of products. Previously documented here as my pick for best travel mug, I now own one of their sports bottles, and have a review for you. I provide this service for free, for people who place “keeping things cold” high on their criteria for this kind of product.

I should state up-front I don’t use this bottle for sports, even though it is a sports bottle. That said, should some sports break out around me, I will be prepared to hydrate. Last night when I was rushing to get home, I tossed the Not-empty bottle into a desk drawer instead of emptying it first. The screw top would prevent issues.

Yesterday I opened the bottle at 1pm, 20-21 hours after the last time I filled it, and IT STILL HAD ICE IN IT. I am a Corkcicle believer, with multiple travel mugs that are so good at keeping coffee hot I have to add an ice cube if I want to drink it on my entire 50 minute commute.

I bought mine at The Paper Store for $27, and Amazon has them for around the same price with discounts.  If you live near a Paper Store, they regularly have 50% off coupons in their catalogs.

My Water Bottle (get your own!)

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