Posted in parenting, Shopping

Want Some Cheese?

I sent my son to pick up a few things for me at the grocery store. I created a very detailed list with instructions on exactly where to find some of the items I needed, so he would get the right things and not waste a lot of time wandering.

I thought the list I gave him was too detailed, but I know where the things I want are located and I don’t want to risk him buying the wrong thing. So yes, he took an overly detailed list to the store.

He bought the things on my list, took them home and put them away. Life is good! I wondered if maybe I don’t need to put so much detail in the list next time.

I finally looked in my fridge, 3 hours after he got back. I asked him to pick up a package of the American cheese I like. I assumed he’d know which package I’ve been buying for the past 8 years, but he thought I’d like the 3 pound package of sliced American Cheese product. I received 7.2 times more cheese than I expected and it’s not even actual cheese.

Look for my soon-to-open restaurant: Grilled Cheese R Us


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