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Adventures in Near-Prison Photography

White Hat, the Marathon Bomber was moved to a prison hospital two towns (10 minute drive) away from my house.

Devens is a decommissioned Army base that’s being turned (very successfully) into a center of commerce. We’re even getting a movie studio! Parts of it are really gorgeous now, and are no longer gated off. I was on the property taking pictures in an old Army cemetery one time and noticed a group of guys staring at me like they were shocked I was there. I found out later it was related to the prison system. It certainly wasn’t high security. AT ALL. I would never have stopped to take photos if I had known.

Yup. Googled “Federal Medical Center Devens” and went to maps. Zoomed in, and the cemetery is on the left on the map.

So that’s nice.


2 thoughts on “Adventures in Near-Prison Photography

  1. I was on holiday when we heard about the bombings. i hope that all of your family and friends are safe and well. Sounds like you had a close call there. was the cemetery interesting?

  2. Sorry, missed your comment! I had a friend who was within a block or two of the explosions, but other than giving him understandable anxiety, he’s fine. Military cemeteries are interesting because they are so uniform, and follow rigid lines, but my photos weren’t very interesting. I think I would like another chance, but I’m guessing nobody would be allowed anywhere near that place now.

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