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It’s Cozy Fire in the Fireplace Season Again

I am sad that summer is over. I say this every year, so you don’t need to hear me go into my perpetual whine about missing out on summer fun, going to the beach, etc. If I could afford it, I’d go to the beach this weekend. Screw the weather, I just want a room with a view of the ocean. And preferably something with some heat, because that’s pretty much unavailable from nature any more.

I’m glad autumn sort of eases in, because if it just dropped from perfect beach day to perfect apple picking day, I would spiral into an out of control case of the dumps. I’d be down in them. But the way it works out, but the time the trees are all turning, I’m excited about it, and I get to have my camera handy to try to take The Most Famous Photo Ever ™. I have yet to do it, but man, this year is certainly going to be my year. I just know it.


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