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Sucky Movies and A New Website

My son picked out a movie at Movie stop. I knew I wasn’t going to like it because I’ve tried to watch it before, but really, there are two reasons this should be a good movie. 1: Mel Brooks can be funny. 2: Parodies amuse me.

However, the movie in question is Spaceballs and it’s pretty much unwatchable. I say pretty much because every once in a while there is a line that in a funny movie would be fabulous. Like the line “What’s the matter Colonel Sandurz? Chicken?”

Oh look, Mel Brooks showing off all his movies on VHS! Wait, there is a self-reference to the movie Spaceballs in the movie Spaceballs? I think some brain cells really and truly just exploded right now. Deep Hurting.

So to prevent extra pain from actually watching the movie, I think I finally got my new website running with a template I can live with, at least for now. Take a spin over to Photo-Gnome to see what I’ve been doing. Oh, and by the way, if you try to go there yourself, remember that someone else got the .com, I’m the .net (and the .info, but who is going to remember that, right?)


0 thoughts on “Sucky Movies and A New Website

  1. I love Mel Brooks – generally, I think he's an absolute genius and I've probably laughed louder and longer at his movies than any other producer/director – but I've got to agree with you. 'Spaceballs' was hideous.

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