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I Seem to Have Misplaced June

I’m not sure how it happened. I thought I had put June in my purse, next to my wallet and my car keys, but then when I went to look for it, it wasn’t there. I checked the counters, but you know, they are a bit messy at my house. I have plenty of bits of this and that on the counter, bags of doggie treats and little boy treats, but no June. As hard as I looked for it, it simply wasn’t there.

I looked in the trunk of my car, under the folding chairs, baseball equipment and kites, but there was no sign of June; none at all.

It’s as if June up and disappeared on me. I suppose I will just have to get resigned to the idea that June is missing and won’t be found, and focus my attention on July. I really don’t want to lose July the way I lost June so I’m going to keep closer watch on it. Starting tomorrow, when I take an extra day off to spend some quality time with it. Just me and July, maybe going for a road trip, buying ice cream, listening to some tunes. I think July and I are going to get along really well.


0 thoughts on “I Seem to Have Misplaced June

  1. I got really tired of June crying all the time, so I booted her to the curb. So far, July is OK, but I'm not buying her a ring until at least the 25th 🙂

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