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Leominster on the Web (sort of)

I was over on iTunes looking at the free applications. I like to check at least once a week because there are so darned many new free apps being uploaded. I found one that will auto-generate your pirate, Jedi or stripper name. So that’s cool. And the sample screen made me smile because it had Johnny Appleseed on it. We all love us some Johnny Appleseed around here. And then I looked at the 2nd screen shot and it showed even more Johnny Appleseed details! I dropped a note to the guy who created the application to find out if he’s a local (or was at any time) because really, how often does ANYONE use Leominster on a sample form?

Screen shot at iTunes (no really, go ahead and look for yourself!)

[Update Sept 12: When I went in to use the application, I discovered that the above info is actually on screen as an example, so it’s not only on iTunes, it’s in the application. Very amusing to me, “Mad” Patch Ridingcrop aka Diamond Leatherhips aka Laf-Jo Rocfit.]


3 thoughts on “Leominster on the Web (sort of)

  1. During the year that I lived in Leominster I realized that it is indeed one of the karmic centers of the universe. Keene, NH is another. We live in special places!

  2. During the year that I lived in Leominster I realized that it is indeed one of the karmic centers of the universe. Keene, NH is another. We live in special places!

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