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First Day of Fall

Someone pointed out to me this morning that today is the first day of fall. I guess that by now, we’ve been up to our earballs in fall stuff, so it isn’t as much of a shock to the system as it would be to have summer end, say, in August. It’s a non-event; we already thought it was fall.

That doesn’t make me 100% happy, though. I missed most of summer. Didn’t really do anything beach-y or vacation-y, you know, the uber summer vacation stuff. As Junior gets older I do feel a sense of panic that the months are years are passing and by the time I can actually take time off from work to go “do” things with him, he won’t want to. You know, he’ll be a sullen teenager. Or he’ll be out of the house. I’m scared to death of that happening because he’s just one of the coolest, funniest people I know, and if I don’t have him to hang around with, I’m going to be very very sad. Batman needs Robin, you know? And Mr. Dump won’t wear tights.

So ya, the end of summer makes me angry. Damn you, earth, and your tilty nature!

Other than that, things are good, thanks for asking. Only a little over a month until the next NaNoWriMo. I think I’m going to do it again. I’m going to guess Christine and Foo are going to avoid talking to me until December 1st so that I won’t harass them to sign up.


4 thoughts on “First Day of Fall

  1. Oh, I’ll be there for NaNoWriMo. I’m itching to get neck-deep in the soothing ooze of my own horrid prose. Now that I have the significant other broken in, he doesn’t need as much one-on-one time as he did last year.

  2. Oh, I’ll be there for NaNoWriMo. I’m itching to get neck-deep in the soothing ooze of my own horrid prose. Now that I have the significant other broken in, he doesn’t need as much one-on-one time as he did last year.

  3. Empty nest is tough esp for the mother. My kid said he wants to take a year off after college and take his MCATS and go for an MD/PHD. Says he’ll be done with college when he’s 31. AAAHHH.. I’ll
    be toast paying college for another 10 years. Got another one going into college next year. But when they leave, once they all are home it’s really a special time. Jer

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