Arrrrrrgh. Do I really have to go to work tomorrow? Is there some reason I can stay home? I would really like to extend vacation by, um, 3 months. Okay, not three, just one. One month. It can even be a short month like February (except I don’t want the vacation month to BE February, I want it to be right now).
I don’t think I’m going to have a good reason to stay home tomorrow. Thank goodness I did laundry yesterday so I would have some clean work pants. Damn, a week of wearing jeans and shorts, all gone.
First day of school tomorrow too. I’m going to go bury my head in a pile of sale pillows from JC Penney. How on earth did Junior get to be a 5th grader?
Would you rather he be really stupid and still be in third grade? He’s in fifth grade because he’s smart like his mom 😉
5th grade? I think we need a recount!
Nothing quite so sad as end of vacation…
Takes me a couple of days to “get back into it” after vacation. Felt like a zoombie for the first day or two. Before you know it he’ll be asking for the car keys.. comes faster than you think…Jerry