Sorry for the lack of posting. Did you notice? I was giving myself a little break from the computer, and when you do that, well, all hell breaks loose.
I could blame it on the Red Sox sweeping the White Sox in grand style. I mean really, if we can’t win 30-3 in one game, we could have four 10+ games in a row. I’m okay with that, really I am. If you’re looking for more in-depth analysis, of course, I defer to my resident expert over at Red Sox Soul. I’m just a back seat driver when it comes to this stuff.
School starts this week, and I think we’re more nervous and excited about it than Junior is. He’s moving to the LEAP program at the newly re-designed Southeast Math and Science Elementary school. We’re bummed about leaving JA and all his best friends there, but I think this is going to be an amazing year for him. One way or another.
When you disappear it usually is something to do with the Red Sox! Good luck to Junior with his new school. Olivier goes back next week and I’m already losing sleep (and he’s 16!).
Ahhh, the Red Sox. Does it get any better than this?
Glad you posted. Was getting tired of looking at the ‘Stang. 😉
I thought my browser cache was stuck.. not seeing any updates here. Son is already at school UMass since last Saturday for RA training. After being down the cape, living in those towers now says it feels like jail. Daughter refuses to go to bed early at night so she can shift her 2-11am sleep schedule to something more compatible with school hours.. CU Jerry
Think of how much more you appreciate it when I DO post if you have to go without!
Okay, I’m just trying to cover my butt.
Jerry, Junior is in for a rude “awakening” tomorrow morning! Well, to be fair, all summer he was up at 6:30 when he had to go to camp, but for the past week and a half he hasn’t had camp, so he’s been keeping teenager hours.