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Boursin Cheese Kicks Butt

Today’s lunch: A turkey sandwich with boursin cheese, caramelized onions, tomato and leaf lettuce.

Anyone have a casket? Because I died and went to heaven.

I would have enjoyed it without the turkey, even. I love a boursin and tomato sandwich. Of course, caramelized onions put it over the top. There are only two ways I like to eat onions. Caramelized and in beer-battered rings. Never ever ever raw. But cooked onions (sauteed or deep fried) rule. And french onion soup counts because it is made with caramelized onions.

Sorry, had to find a drool bib just thinking about it.

Friday’s List of Jody’s Favorite Cheeses
American (sorry, I won’t lie)


Cream Cheese (Does this formally count as a cheese?)

I’ll put up with a lot of the others – I like blue if it’s in a stuffed mushroom or salad dressing. Provolone is okay, but not a favorite. On of the few that I can honestly say I don’t like is Swiss, which bugs the heck out of Mr. Dump. I just don’t like it. I don’t like sourdough bread. Swiss cheese is the sourdough bread of cheese.


7 thoughts on “Boursin Cheese Kicks Butt

  1. Truth be known, I can’t stand swiss either. But, what is Boursin cheese? I guess I miss out on alot by not eating out, but I’ve never heard of it.

  2. I can’t say I’ve heard of Boursin cheese either…and you’re not alone in not liking Swiss, although if it’s in a sandwich already I’ll eat it. Muenster and Cheddar and Havarti are at the top of my list.

  3. Good list, agree with it. My better half likes Swiss too which I can’t stand. Must be a left / right brain thing. I usually like by my Parmesan too in a brick, I shave it off onto my rigs or ravs, which I have been buying again now that Pasta Land is open again on rt117 (all homemades).
    BTW if you have kids in LHS, make sure they never leave anything behind in a classroom. Daughter had cell, ipod, cash then a book and calculator taken on two diff occasions. Thanks to Dean, at least I got the book and calc back. Once we found the cell hidden under some kids jacket, second time we lost it.

  4. Now you guys are making me question myself. Maybe boursin is a combination of some other kind of cheese and say, garlic. Or something. I’ll look into it.

    Jerry, it’s not just LHS, though. I mean, I’ve worked in offices where people had money stolen out of their purses. I had all the change removed from my desk drawer at another place. Leaving your ipod in a high school classroom is like leaving it on the bench at the mall…

  5. ‘Du pain, du vin et du Boursin’. They would be horrified to find out it goes into sandwiches!!!

    I love Havarti but we can only get French cheese here except for Dutch cheeses like Eden but They’re made in France

  6. I don’t like Swiss, but that has nothing to do with the cheese, more with their enormous paranoia and advanced tendency of xenophobia. If you don’t believe me, try train-hopping in Switzerland. You’ll get the best VIEWs ever, most stunning landscape, and the least possible interaction with the natives.
    Jarlsberg rules – slighly nutty, and ligthly dressed – it hsa enough enough holes to properly expose its true body. You don’t get that from compact cheeses, sorry. That said, creamy cheeses are also yummy – and they translate better into cake than many of the angrier, smellier ones.

  7. Okay, Anonymous, I think I’m on to you. Not a lot of my regulars have experience train-hopping to Switzerland…

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