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Okay, You’ve Waited Long Enough

You kids have been very patient, waiting for me to release the name of the new website I’m adding to the family. Now if you click to go to the site, you will just see my placeholder page while Mr. Dump helps me work on the design. He’s done with the main landing page, I think, which will just leave us to figure out how the subsections will look. I may use color to differentiate them. But as I said, we aren’t there yet.

Also, for you writers out there, I will probably open up the site to submissions, but I haven’t decided any of the details yet. What makes that site different than anything else I’ve worked on? I’m actually working on all the design details before launching the damned thing.

It also means there will be a slight redesign of this site, as I move some of the content from here to there. Primarily the Still Life with Interview and the Open Letters, I suspect.

Okay, so here you go:


4 thoughts on “Okay, You’ve Waited Long Enough

  1. Coool. Let me know if you want me to write anything.

    PS Want a very sweet pug puppy? 🙂

  2. Why are you people trying to get me to take on new pets?

    And why just cats and dogs? Doesn’t anyone have a monkey to offer?

  3. Hey, I’m just following Christine’s lead. I don’t have a monkey, I have Sea Monkeys. But I really do have a very sweet kitty that needs to find a happy home. She doesn’t like the other bossy girl kitty in the house.

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