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What Would Have Been Nice

I’m not complaining about the nice warm air that passed through the area. I’m just complaining about the timing. It would have been really great for it to happen during daylight hours. I mean, maybe just a couple of hours earlier. I say that because it would have been great to not be woken up by all the ice sliding off the roof into the gutters at one in the morning. I have a cape cod-style house, and our bedroom has a slope in it. I sleep closest to the roof, with a dormer window [I think that’s what they’re called] like two feet from my head. So when stuff moves on the roof, it’s like it’s crashing into the room. Not cool, when you were sound asleep.

I guess I also would have liked the date moved to the weekend as well. It hurts me deeply to know that I was either sleeping or at my desk while it was 60 degrees. Except for my commute, of course, but that’s when we had the downpour, so I couldn’t very well open the windows.

So ya, I was complaining. It was 61 when I left the house. According to the Weather Channel, when I leave work, it will be THIRTY DEGREES COOLER. How can you not hate that?
